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December 7, 2004 BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 7, 2004

Selectman Debold opened the meeting at 7:02pm.

Present:  Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant, Chairman Colbert was absent.

SUBJECT:  Police Department

HIGHIGHTS:  Lt. Robert Kitson updated the Selectmen regarding his knee injury. Lt. Kitson reported that his injury was not better, but not worse.  He said the MRI did not show a tear to his menisci.  Lt. Kitson will see his orthopaedic doctor on December 23, 2004, until such time Lt. Kitson will remain on light duty.  Lt. Kitson reported that Patrolman Scott Corbett will be working the day shift and there is sufficient coverage for the evening hours.

Selectman MacCleery asked Lt. Kitson about the condition of the carpet in the police station.  Lt. Kitson reported that the carpet was an eye sore, but was not a tripping hazard.  Selectman MacCleery asked Deputy Chief Mike Paveligo if the fire department had money in its building maintenance budget to purchase new carpet.  Deputy Chief Paveligo said that he needed to check the budget.   Patty suggested that she could speak to Erin and find out how much money was left in the Fire Department’s building maintenance budget.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Deputy Chief Paveligo addressed the Board regarding the process for appointing a new Fire Chief.  Selectman DeBold asked Deputy Chief Paveligo if anyone else was interested in becoming the Fire Chief and Deputy Chief Paveligo responded in the negative.  Deputy Chief Paveligo said the Fire Association held its annual meeting and a vote was taken as to whom the next chief will be.  By majority vote, Deputy Chief Paveligo won.  Selectman MacCleery requested to see documentation from Deputy Chief Paveligo as to his qualifications.  Selectman MacCleery would like to keep Deputy Chief Paveligo’s qualification on hand at the Selectmen’s office.  Deputy Chief Paveligo will be sworn in by the Board December 21, 2004.  Deputy Chief Paveligo will be the new chief as of January 1, 2005.

Deputy Chief Paveligo requested that the Board allow him to resubmit the budget for the fire department.  The Board agreed to allow him to submit a new budget, but he will not meet with the Board or the Budget Committee unless significant changes are made by the Board or Budget Committee.  

Deputy Chief Paveligo stated that the fire department took Millican Nursery’s generous gift of an ATV mule.  The ATV mule will be set-up for transporting patients from the forest and will also be used to transport fire-fighters to fires in the forest.


HIGHLIGHTS:  John Martell reported that he had received the Hazmat Plan Annex outlining the emergency plan.  Mr. Martel reported that Hubbard Consulting was over-paid by $1,500; he reported this to Hubbard Consulting who said they would return a check in that amount to him.  Also, Mr. Martell mentioned the possibility of having a “table-top” emergency management plan.  The Board would like to discuss this further.

SUBJECT:  Mr. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews from the Conservation Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Mann and Mr. Andrews presented the Board with a sample of a Purchase and Sale Agreement between Carroll and Deborah Plummer “seller” and the Town of Chichester “buyer”.  This land is located on Map 4 Lot 8 and would be used by the town as access to Marsh Pond.   Selectman MacCleery stated that the land was zoned open space with substandard lot and the Planning Board did not want to set precedence and go through a sub-division process.  He also stated that any sub-division needs to have the soil tested.  Selectman DeBold stated that he needed assurity that the pond will still be there.  He also posed a question as to whether the Town wants to spend $30,000 for this property or should the money be spent on improving other town accesses to Marsh Pond.  Mr. Mann was asking for the Board’s support for this purchase.

Selectman DeBold stated that levels of the pond were lowered about 18 inches.  Discussion was made as to the cost of the replacement of the dam at Marsh Pond.  Also, discussed was the possibility of a Warrant Article for dam replacement and restoration of the pond.  Selectman DeBold stated he would like to ask the DES for direction putting together a Warrant Article for the replacement and the restoration.  Selectman DeBold said he received a phone call from the DES looking for the registration of the dam.  Mr. Quinn of the DES said he would extend the registration for one month.   

Selectman DeBold stated that when he had worked for DES he had designed a dam in Pittsburg, he said the design would be a good match for Marsh Pond.  He said that he would speak to DES with respect to the use of the plans. Selectman DeBold gave a estimate of how much it would cost to replace the dam, and meet State requirements, his estimate was between $50,000 and $60,000.

Selectman DeBold had visited the dam with the owner of Hillcrest Campground.  Selectman DeBold said there is evidence of an old concrete dam being there and the dam needs to be reconstructed to state standards if it is to be replaced.  The owner of Hillcrest is concerned about the fish in the pond.  He is upset that the Road Agent drained water from the pond, in essence, the Road Agent opened the stillwell releasing approximately 18 inches of water.  Selectman DeBold spoke to Bill Ingram from Fish and Game who assured Selectman DeBold that the fish were safe.  He advised Selectman DeBold that if there was public access to the pond that Fish and Game would possibly restock the pond with fish.  Selectman MacCleery stated that the owner of Hillcrest needs to realize the liability of the pond.  He stated that the dam is neither safe, nor stable and DES will not allow the present dam to stay.  Mr. Mann stated that John Levine is willing to go out to the dam and give a rough proposal on replacement.  The Selectmen agreed that the first step should be to meet with DES.  Selectman DeBold stated that he would contact DES and schedule a meeting with them and the owner of Hillcrest.


General correspondence was reviewed.

Minutes from the November 30, 2004 Board of Selectmen meeting were approved and signed.

Checks were signed

Being no further business, Selectman DeBold adjourned at 10:10PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery